end of camp, bak here in my cosy chair
Friday, June 16, 2006 11:19 PM
I know every1 missed me....NOT. Haha... it was fun at camp though..... even though im thought to be "too happy". Well, im considering changing my image, dat would be real "happiness". Haha. And the last thing i would wanna think of after camp would be..... It starts wif a 'H' and ends wif 'k'. Ne 1 guessed it yet, sibei obvious leh. Well the food was good, i must say. One of the thing i always look forward to is food. Some1 yell lunch and i would go like... spirit lvl 20 --- spirit lvl 99. More or less got the idea? good. De last day was superb, really. Getting the Camp OIC and 2IC bombed by water buckets from second floor. AINT THAT FUN?! lolx, not to mention im 1 of the 2ICs in there, yea well, u can say i tio sabo. Oh and sorry to all my friends from pri sch who attended de gathering at Safra. Im realli sad and disappointed to see 2pm on the clock when i "bathe" finish. Realli. Hope to catch up next time, i guess. Oh and seems like my story got abandoned after camp, so its best dat i update it now, shall i?... Okay.

---Lost To Fate Eps 3---(oh and to those horror issues, its juz part of the atmosphere =P)

Detouring round the "scary area" was smart, but more unpredictable stuff came his way, with him unknowing what would be of him. Alex squatted as he reached the bottom of his house. He swiftly glanced around. A huge mist started emerging from the skies...

"Eh? Din't remember that mist would be coming my way today on yesterday's forecast..." He thought to himself, doubtful of every available reason why the sudden mist.

He groped around and managed to reach a surface on the wall. As though like a blind man, he staggered alongside the wall, hoping to reach home as soon as possible and finish up afew missions from his strategy games in his computer. Suddenly, he felt a tiny gust of wind brushing against his face and something massively hard and cold went directly at his face. Alex flew backwards, losing his balance and falling to the ground, nose bleeding profusely. Following the hard brushing of the metallic object on his face, barrage of kicks went for his body. Helpless as he is, Alex was not even able to yell a cry for help. He tolerated all the kicks and finally, after a chain of kicks delivered to his liver area, his vision blurred and slowly darkens...

As the area around him brightens, Alex felt an acute pain biting into him, from both his nose, and his stomach. But he felt comfy... Alex looked around.


Thats the end of eps3.... enjoy ^^

Signing off-
aka. DarkSnowzzz
Jigoku. Shoujo.|
You FUCKING do not Harass ME with ur dumb Faults
Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:53 PM
Wonder y the huge word "fucking" there? read on.

2day was my third day of rehearsal for SYF, at Home Team Acad. It wasnt a good day, it really wasnt. As the saying goes, when the commander has a bad day, his men will also have a bad day. Well it seems our parade commander aint too happy to see our fuckfaces, i think. We were told he has a bad mood, and WE were supposed to do everything as he pleases. But for no fucking reason, bad luck juz loves to strike time and time again when ur down. I do not want to embarass myself, neither do i wanna list out what actually went rong, but theres some things that i wasnt able to accept. Our CC once mentioned that we, come here juz to play punk. We, are a bunch of clowns. and the PC also stated... We are ALWAYS the ones hu create trouble. Well, basically, if we wanna play punk, we wont wait till 7.30am or 8am to come. IF we played punk, we wont fucking ever turn up for this rehearsal. U know, getting our asses off the bed fucking early on a saturday morning at 5.30am is such a chore, i can easily plunge bak to sleep and forget abt the whole thing. But, wad did we do, we still turned up, we still did everything according to what we were told. Maybe sum might not be too good, but ever wondered wad realli was the cause of de problem, think about it urself, and dun fucking come harass the whole contigent, even if UR HAVING A BAD DAY. If ur having a bad day, DONT COME. Ok, i dun blame him that much, but getting on his nerves doesnt mean that we do not have a limit for tolerance towards scolding. As you said, we are already sec 2s, sec 3s, we know how to differentiate the facts from the false. We, with a certain level of education and common sense, DO KNOW that we are not in the rong at times, YET we still endured the scolding, nevertheless. But as i said, we do have a limit for tolerating scolding, especially those which DOESNT FUCKING HELL involves us as a cause of the problem. But did we ever whine? NO. Did we ever complain? NO. Did we ever purposely piss u off? NO, Again. But if u think ur still in the right, i can tell u ONE thing. U do not have de certain understanding and wisdom, along wif education to differentiate whether we r right, or wrong, and whether we r the cause of the problem.

My conclusion, and advice to u:

You not happy with us, tell us straight-in-our-face. Do not use SCOLDING as an alter mean to get at us. And if u think ur still right, i advise u to ask around, and a true leader doesnt get his FUCKING ATTITUDE involved when commanding in a contigent. Think about it.
Jigoku. Shoujo.|
second episode!
Saturday, June 03, 2006 11:58 PM
Finally the long awaited, rated ONLY PG... and not m18 nor r21 Lost To Fate Eps 2 is here! I know some of you guys have been.... ahem, waiting for kinda long... so very sorry for the pause in between, ok, enuf of crap, let the sadistic journey... Begin.

5---4---3---2---1---Lost to Fate, Episode 2(wah phew = = finally 2

Slinging on his nearly-wet towel over his neck, Alex lowered his head and commenced his running programme, in which he wanted to train for his NS years which is around the corner, about 2 years later. As he ran, sparkles of dew fell from leaves on trees around him, and it mixed in with Alex's sweat, forming big pear-like droplets of water, which slipped down his 6-pax'ed figure, and collided with his stained yellowish white singlet. As he ran, he lowered his head and took bigger steps as time passed. Soon after, he was all out of air, thus he stopped for a breather, as well as to do some stretching, so as to prevent muscle cramps.

Just as he started stretching, muffled laughter of children could be heard. Alex felt... relaxed. He was reminded of his childhood days whereby he would swing on the swing of the playground under his block everyday and built pyramids in the sand pit. With a glance, he tried to get a glimpse of what the children are up to... especially this early. But as he turned bak, he froze. He slowly turned back, facing the lush greenery infront of him, lips trembling, his face ever so pale. There was no one there, just yellow rolls of carpet material and makeshift tent-like structures. From afar, Alex knew what it was. A funeral. He dare not peer straight at the place, for fear that his terror might get the better of him and he might start hallucinating. Strange enough, after a minute or so, thoughts came rushing into his mind... "When would it be my turn? Would i receive such grand treatment? Would people simply not care even if i were dead?" His mind was full of doubts. As though trying to stop him from worrying further, a cold breeze whizzed through his bare knees, striking straight at his fear-nerve. Alex took a deep breathe, and sprinted acrossed the stretch of darkness, seeming to get darker every second. As he ran, shadows of trees lengthened, the air also got colder. This traumatized Alex, who thought to himself. Two words. Bad Day. He was agreeable with his thoughts, for once, that he was experiencing one of the worst days of his life. He just kept running.

Finally when he stopped, he was panting profusely. He almost lost his breath for a minute there. Trying to avoid anymore unwanted trouble, he took a huge detour, not knowing what, or who, was waiting for him...
This marks the end of eps 2... comments pls press on the last wing and comment in the taggy, thx.... eps 3 would come out some other day in the holidays i guess.

Signing off-
aka. DarkSnowzzz
Jigoku. Shoujo.|
Friday, June 02, 2006 10:55 PM
First, to address to y i am inactive for so long.... i have been slitting my wrist and composing the sentence "wtf happened to me, y is my life so bad" *emo-ness comes about* Well dat was juz a joke, since i do not have the courage to even place the knife near my wrist, for fear that i would lose my wrist, or cut a rong nerve and die of excessive blood loss. Well, this indirectly RUINED my holidays.

Now to address the second matter. Irony in the Country. What do i mean? read on. While Singapore's busy promoting to other countries, other states, other provinces, other planets, or even other dimensions that we r EQUAL, schools are currently busy doing otherwise. I have been scheduled for a TIGHT timetable of remedials for the first 2 to 3 weeks of the HOLIDAYS. Yes, and i do mean every single fucking day, cept for weekends, where the CCA eats up ur time. And wad r u left wif? Sunday, juz to go to the toilet for the very first time in 7 days, den when u come out, its time for homework. WOW. Like thats gonna make my day any worse. In conclusion, this holiday stinks. Its like.. sacraficing urself to ppl around u every single day when ur supposed to be relaxing on that period of 30 days, after 3-4 whole fucking months of donkey labour. Makes no sense, but its this ting wif schs... wadeva they do, it is right.... even if they r wrong.... bleahz well, ima continue my story 2ml. so look out for it

Signing off-
aka. DarkSnowzzz
Jigoku. Shoujo.|

Proof to show im alive. There. u see what im typing, now turn around, stare into a black space... and you will see.... That everything is just the way it is =P


The Man behind This

Name: Ong He Jin Dick
Age: *Ahem* Officially 16
Hate: Noise, More Noise, Having nothing to say, The sad Feeling, Being unable to express myself, To be called noob in dota LOLOL
Love: Sleep, Psychology, Fast Food, Free Stuff, Animals(Puppies...Huskies specifically), Animes in general, Shopping and finally, My Special Someone.

._____. Hope i din miss out everybody...


Im not supposed to remove this

Layout: TimelessRose
Textures: Aethereality

Strictly Lagging XDD

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